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Disk Play Problems on a JVC Digital Direct Progressive Scan Model XV-S65


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ImgBurn successfully copied the orignial DVD source files, Audio/Video/AutoRun/etc files, Copy Image to Disk operation.. Then successfully Wrote the Image Files to Disk using the Write operations, all operations completed at 100%... Newly created DVDs were launched in Windows Media Player, with all capabilities available and functioning... When I tried to run the DVDs on my audio/video system, Sony flatscreen and JVC Direct Digital Progressive Scan Model XV-S65.. DVDs were all unreadable.. DVD device basically just 'Hung' on the Read Operation..


What should I look for or possibly alter in my Write operations to ensure that the DVDs work in this evvironment....


If a log is required, I'll go back and run another Write opeation to capture a log info file.. If operations completed without errors/issues and DVDs functions 100% on PC/Media Player. Also, looking at eh DVD directories, these show all the files and date timestamps on the original DVDs are exactly shown on the Write Operation genereated DVDs..

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