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Help a retarded ignorant newbie out. PLEASE


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I am trying to burn a DVD using ImgBurn.


I have followed the guide on this site here:

http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1778 "How to create a single layer ISO."


My problem comes when I have to "use the Calculator button to see if it will fit on the disc". Though the files in the folder I am using are only 4.3 GB, ImgBurn tells me that (a) Windows is wrong, and the size of the folder is actually 4.7 GB, and (B) the image size will be 5.56 GB. Why will the image size be large than the data used to make it? Perhaps I could find some way to further compress the source files, but I don't want to lose further quality in my DVD by doing so.


Also, in the past, I have burned DVDs without this problem. I copied DVDs with the following simple three step process:


(1) Use DVD decryptor to load DVD data to my hard drive.

(2) Use a program called "DVD2One" to compress the files just enough so they fit on a normal (I consider "normal" to be 4.7 GB capacity) DVD. This program would output the same file types as it used for inputs (e.g. .VOB, .BUP, etc.).

(3) Use NERO to burn the DVD. Apparently Nero did all this fancy .iso-creating or image creating or whatever the hell is so complicated about making a DVD disk play video.

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4.7 gigabytes = 5.04658657 × 109 bytes

...from Google calculator...



Rightclick on the folder in Explorer and chose Properties. Windows will show you the size of that folder in GB and bytes.


If that is a video, you can compress it with DVDShrink (google it) to fit on a DVD5.

Edited by ianymaty
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