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So my burn went successfully, but it didnt play as a 360 game, it played as a dvd.


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so i place my vertabatim dvd+rl dl disc into my 360 after backing up skate 3, my 360 is flashed and i use that also as a back up 360 incase anything happens to my other one.... ok, so i put skate 3 into an iso and i also get a .dvd image file along with it. i click write mode, change the layer break, go to the folder containing my .dvd and .iso files and click on the .dvd one, everything looks great click burn, wait about an hour.... and bam its done. but wait! when i put it into my flashed 360 to test if its working or not.... it says "play dvd". and it wont let me play the game. it only lets me look at a 360 logo with a white background! btw, this is my first time ever backing up a game, as i have just gotten my 360 flashed free from a freind of my brothers, who just got in a fight with my brother, so obviously they won't help with the creation of game back ups. so i really need to know whats going on, and what am i doing wrong? get back to me quickly on this one, thanks!

Edited by trexasaurusman
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