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I just wanted to say thank you for spending the time to put together this application. It truly is a significant investment in your time considering the amount of options that are coded and available to the user. Plus you never asked for one penny.

I myself have been an IT consultant for 25 years now and absolutely love when programs give this many options for complete control.

If you lived by me, I would be buying you pints every Thursday night.

I will certainly be donating to your project.


As a note to all the complainers ... The author owes you nothing. You didnt pay for anything. Stop your complaining, you sound like babies.

Knock yourself out trying to find a program this good, for this price.

One post even went so far as to complain that he was seeing extra business at his IT repair shop from people "misusing" UniBlue products.

Humm, That author was complaining about more business??? OhhhKaaay??


By the way, I use UniBlue products as well. I dont let them modify anything, but they certainly have value in identifying old drivers and spotting bizzare registry entries, that I then research whether to manually remove/install or not.

They have a bad rap ... I do think they are dangerous if used by people who have no business touching their registry or installing drivers.

If you try to idiot proof a piece of software, nature will build a better idiot. That is what why IT consultants have jobs. Also, these idiots are the ones leaving the bad feedback.


I didnt know about the bloatware "issues" when I downloaded the product install for the first time yesterday, but I do read carefully. Heck I even read the AUP's and License Agreements before clicking I agree. So the Ask toolbar, and Uniblue products never got installed, well ... because i read the installer and wasn't interested.


Kudos to the author for trying to partner with software vendors and internet sites that at least allow him to make some money, while offering this fine software for free.


I am sure I'll get flamed for this but it had to be said.

Keep up the good work LUK. I look forward to future features.


-Warm regards,


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