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Can't install on Win 7 Ultimate x64


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I rememeber having problems the very first time I tried using ImgBurn on Win7. Back than however I was able use it, only Build mode would give me errors.

After reinstalling windows, I can't get the programm to run anymore, I am getting the weirdest errors. I tried different compatibility settings and some times the application will start, but I it seems pretty random and there is no setting that work every time.


Here are the strange errors I am receiving:


Format '$s' invalid or incompatible with `rgument.

Drror re`ding Panel_ISOBTILD_TabRheet_Options$s->: Im`geIndex.

Hnternal Error: RyncHotKdyPositinn Failed ("B&reate DVD File..." <> "C&rdatd DVD File...").

Error reading Panel_ISOBUILD_TabSheet_Options->ImageIndex: Property Hm`geIndex does nnt exist.

Blass TTntGroupBnx nnt found.

Bonstant "LinimizeToSyrtemTray" nnt found.



This is my system:

Core i7-920

OCZ DDR3 133 (6gb)

GeForce 8800GTX


Win7 x64 Ultimate (german)

Edited by nikl
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If it's not working then it's probably due to program corruption (memory corruption).


What memory ar you talking about here?

The computers RAM memory. Run a diagnostic program to check if they are ok.

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I just noticed I named this topic 'can't install...' when I ment to write 'can't run...' - just to get this straight.


I removed 2 of my 3 dimms and ran imgburn. On firt launch nothing happened - no error, no imgburn running in taskmanager though. On second run, the application started. So I had to assume you were right about the ram and wanted to find out how many dimms are affected. So I tried the other two dimms each alone and got the old error messages again. Only to be sure, I tried the first dimm again, expecting the application ro run but suddenly I receive the strange error messages again.

I then tried different setups of the 3 dimms togeter in different slots. The results are .. well strange say the least: with only 1 dimm inserted, the application would sometimes run, but never 100%. I still receive the weird errors or classic programm shutdowns regularly. With two or more dimms inserted, I wasn't able to get the application running at all.


I then tried memtest and ran several passes with all my memory inserted. After many hours I still had 0 errors. I am pretty much clueless right now..

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I knew my RAM isn't causing this - it is most likely a hardware / software conflict that only occurs with Win7. I don't know how I ever managed to get Win7 working, maybe I was lucky to install the one driver version that worked - I can't remember however which drivers I used back then and after several installs and setups with or without older or newest drivers I gave up.


So I switched back to XP x64 and ImgBurn ist working like a charm...


So, screw Windows7, I guess

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