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strange problem burning dvd's


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hi everyone


1st post on here, hope you can help!...


i've been using imgburn for years with no major problems, but about 6 months ago i bought some memorex dvd+r discs and started experiencing problems burning iso/img files. unfortunately, i can't remember the exact error message but it couldn't write the tracks and it would make the annoying "oh no!" sound. the weird thing is, if i kept re-trying the burn, eventually it would work. there didn't seem to be any formula to make it work, it was just a case of being patient. anyway, i assumed this was down to the media, so even though i have stacks of memorex discs left over i decided to purchase a spindle of verbatim dvd-r's. unfortunately, the problem is now worse! i can't burn anything at all on the verbatim discs. i keep getting the following error:

"Device Not Ready (Logical Unit not ready, Cause not reportable)


i did a bit of research and tried uninstalling Daemon tools and the SPTD driver, but i'm still getting the error. i really didn't expect this using top discs and imgburn


can anyone offer any advice?


thank you





imgburn, and there's nothing in the log...

I 21:48:39 ImgBurn Version started!

I 21:48:39 Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7600)

I 21:48:39 Total Physical Memory: 4,158,644 KB - Available: 2,789,432 KB

I 21:48:39 Initialising SPTI...

I 21:48:39 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 21:48:39 -> Drive 1 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH41N MN01 (E:) (ATAPI)

I 21:48:39 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

Edited by rotherdrummer
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If it's showing that message when using Verbatim blanks then your burner is pretty much dead. Try a lens cleaning disc on that drive but you should start looking for a new burner, which is pretty cheap by the way.

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it's just started working. not sure why. here are the steps taken:

- inserted verbatim disc, imgburn said ""Device Not Ready (Logical Unit not ready, Cause not reportable)"

- ejected/re-inserted, same error

- replaced verbatim disc with memorex dvd+r. imgburn kept saying "Device not ready (Logical unit is in process of becoming ready)"

- after 15 minutes of waiting, nothing happened

- ejected disc and closed imgburn

- inserted blank verbatim disc again without having imgburn open

- windows 7 recognised the blank disc and asked me what i wanted to do with it. i clicked cancel

- opened up imgburn and it could see and write to the verbatim disc


any ideas what's causing this?



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