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Problem with suggestions on Semaphore Timeout


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A lot of people seem to encounter this error. When they post here on the board, they receive a link to a Google Search on the topic as a reply. What Goggle retrieves is a list of posts where people are told to do a Google search to find the answer to their problem. I suppose I should appreciate this as Dada, but I want to burn some discs at some point.


My issue is with an drive in an external case hooked up to a laptop via USB. I gather from other posts that some USB controllers don't want to talk to some USB bridgeboards. It would be nice if there was an easy-to-find post (like in the FAQ) that a) identified known problematic bridgeboards or controller/bridgeboard combos, and/or B) identified known good bridgeboards or controller/bridgeboard combos, and/or c) listed any known solutions for the problem (are there SW fixes, or do I just have to get another bridgeboard?)


I realize I'm complaining to someone who has created a wonderful program and gives it away, and there's something uncool about that. Sorry. Thank you, thank you thank you for ImgBurn. But I'm thinking you might not realize those references to Google don't have the effect you intended. (Goggle is not always our friend...)


best wishes


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Maybe if you didn't give up on the first page of Google results you'd find the older threads where we would suggest trying another USB 2.0 certified cable, trying other USB ports, checking the external power supply, trying the ASPI interface, among several other suggestions you could try.

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