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Drag & drop directories won't work


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I tried by different means to drag and drop a directory, but it always ends up with a very partial copy (400k instead of the expected 3.9 GB !). It must be me, but I can't find a simpler thing to do or another way to do it.

It seems that I only get one level of hierarchy, and empty sub-directories.

OS = Win-XP French up-to-date, ImgBurn

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> It's probably due to the options on the 'Options' tab.


Tools > Settings ?

I checked there first but didn't see any option that seemed related to the problem.

Anyway, I just tried to restore settings to all defaults: no change.

If I drop a full hierarchy, Imgburn doesn't see it. (only the first level)

Maybe Imgburn does only accept single files and no directory tree ?



Look in the log window, it might give you some clues.


No clue there. It just reports a very wrong size after calculation.


I suspect ImgBurn has trouble with hierarchy or with very big files...


I installed CD Burner XP, did the same drag & drop and burned the full DVD no problem.

So I probably have the solution to my problem :-(

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No, not Tools -> Settings, just the 'Options' tab on the main screen. (Where the Information, Labels, Advanced tabs are)


Maybe you've checked/enabled the 'Include Archive Files Only' box?


The program can only do what you tell it and it has no trouble with hundreds of thousands of files.

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> Maybe you've checked/enabled the 'Include Archive Files Only' box?


You were basically right :

that was simply the default option "Recurse Subdirectories" which, for some reason, was unchecked !!!

And Imgburn did exactly that: it ignored the subdirectories. This is an extremely dangerous option IMO.

And the options tab was not visible in Ez-Mode Picker :-( I don't remember having

unchecked the option, but it happened obviously.


Thanks for your outstanding support. :-)



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