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burning several files from a folder


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I have followed the Support topic steps as to how to burn musical files to disc, I've managed to create the necessary Cue files, but when I come to burn, only one cue file is set for burning, would be grateful for some help.......Thanks

PS: using Imgburn vs 2510

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Please post pictures or raw text. I don't need a PDF.


Your CUE file should create a disc with multiple tracks so I'm not sure what the problem is here.


Just load the CUE, burn the CD, load the next CUE, burn the next CD.


Appologies for the pdf, I wasn't to know! also if I'm not explaining clearly - when I select say for example more than one cue files in a folder, only one seems to appear as ready for writing, as per my pdf, I haven't written the one ready cue file, to see if the others are somehow there, as I want to be sure I'm not just writing one file. I selected the only file I see & drawn the mouse along & it does seem that only the one cue file is there for writing. I'm making a meal of this regrettably, am pretty well advanced generally computerwise, but must be missing something, but thanks anyway!

PS: perhaps I must create an iso image of all the cue files & then write that - just a thought?

Edited by zulubase
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It's one CUE per disc, you understand that, right?


If you're selecting/adding multiple CUE files then you're just adding them to the Queue. (Click the button with the folder and green '+' symbol on it)


Only one of the 'image files' will ever be active for burning at one time. When you've burnt one the program will ask for a new disc and the next CUE will become active... that's how the Queue system works.


You certainly don't want to make an ISO of the CUE files, they would do nothing at all.

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