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I am trying to back up my xbox 360 games using imageburn, i tried to write to disk an iso of call of duty (onto a dvd+r) as it would fit.

It recorded onto the disc no problem and you could see it had burned, but when i put it into the xbox (which is flashed) it said reading, then brought upthe xbox logo and then a white screen that said 'please put into x box'. I have tried this disc on an unflashed xbox but it still did not work.

I burnt this on the new version of imageburn ( with a write speed of 2 as thats what i was told to use in order for it to work).


Yesterday i tried to do it on a dvd+r dl (verbatim) at a speed of 2,(i used a previous version of imageburn for that a 2.4 i believe), it didnt bring up the logo or anything - wouldnt do anything at all.


Can anyone please tell me where i am going wrong and what i should be doing - i have 2 boys who are driving me mad as they both want to play the same game and at least if i can back them up they can do so.


Thank you


You can't use ImgBurn to read original xbox360 game discs, they're copy protected.




Okay thank you any idea what i can use to back them up with please.

When i tryed to put a non orig game that wouldnt work either, and i did that on the older vers of imageburn, write file from iso at a speed of x2.




I can't help you with anything other than using ImgBurn.


If you have a problem burning something, please post the log (as per the pink box up the top :chair: ). Other than that, you're on your own.


Thanks for your help.


I have tried to burn off toy story 3 using the new version of image burn, but even though it burnt to disc when i put it in xbox 360 it just shows logo any ideas what ive done wrong please.




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