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I use ImgBurn for only one thing, burning DVD-RW to play things I have downloaded. When I am done watching, I recycle the DVD by erasing and starting over.


I recently had a system crash that required me to do a reinstall and I lost my previous settings. When I try to do a burn from "build" mode, I get the confirmation box "do you really want to erase this disk" and when it is done erasing, but before it will start the burn, it pulls up a confirmation window that shows the number of files, and so on. I have to click "OK" before it will start the writing.


I am 99% sure that I didn't have to do this before. Is there a way to turn off that confirmation and just have it start the burn immediately after the quick erase? And while I am asking, is there a way to kill the confirmation on the erase as well? I have tried walking through all the menus under options (several times), but there are so many check boxes I may have missed it.



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