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Disc to disc copy


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I just copied a dual layer dvd from one burner to another by following the "build" instructions and pointing to the VIDEO_TS folder on the source burner. The copy plays fine. This sure seems like one-click copy to me. Am I missing something? The only complaint from the program was that DVD43 might interfere with verification. Unfortunately I clobbered the log file when I started the program to figure out where it was so I guess I'll be beaten over the head by a red emoticon.

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Whilst you're technically reading from one drive and writing to another, it's not a disc to disc copy.


You're rebuilding the file system structure when you use Build mode. When you use Read mode, *everything* is copied 1:1.


Thanks for your prompt response. I think I see your point, but since since I selected everything on the source DVD and it seems to produced a viable copy with one step, what is the advantage of read mode? Did I just get lucky this time? Please forgive my ignorance of the technical details.


Oh, and thanks for the great program. After having Roxio and Nero both fail I didn't know what to do until I found ImgBurn.

Edited by jeremyg
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Read mode is like taking a photocopy of a document. The copy is 100% like the original.


Using Build mode is like typing out the document again from scratch. The same words will be on the copy but the formatting may differ slightly.


So whilst both are correct content wise, the photocopy is just a little bit better.

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