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Hello, and thank you for making IMGburn the best light DVD burner.


Have been a long time since making NGC backups; I am now using version 252, I cannot tell the problem of mine situation.

As the title says, I cannot burn mini-dvds anymore. I can with mini-cds, or normal DVD/CDs, w/o problem. Just today I got 3 mDVDs to waste.

I have always used IMGburn with this brand of mDVDs for NGC backups (RITEKG04). In fact, I started using them in accordance to some recomendations on many forums many years ago, so the problem is something I have not expected. I hope this is not a version difference issue.


I'm attaching the Log of burning sessions. Hope you help me to diagnose/troubleshoot the problem.

Thanks in advance. T.


Edited by tanian
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Thank you. That did the trick. Even more happy, I could reuse those supposedly wasted mDVDs.

So, I could only suppose, that was IMGburn's functionality update issue. Update the program, so update the hardware, I guess. (I was using v2.34x before)

Keep up the good work, everyone!

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