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New to burning and new to ImgBurn.

Been on-site reading for days.


Do I have to copy entire disc to my ISO ?


I'd like to skip (not copy) much of the preliminary portions,

Like trailers.


Anybody? Thanx


I can tell that a hellava lotta work and good coding went

into IMGBURN ...... Then reduced it down to

READ it in - and WRITE it out.


Shrink will "remove" streams of video but can only replace them with a screen saying the content was removed or a screen of one solid color. I believe what is left is the same length as what you wanted to remove, but, I am not entirely sure of that. If you want to totally remove things like trailers, you'd need something like DVDReMake or VOBBlanker. Remake is not free software and VOBBlanker is not entirely user friendly for newbies, so, you've got a few options.

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