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BluRay Data Disk Image creation


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I have thosands of photos on my hd and I want to put them on a data bluray disk (Verbatim 25GB).

Many of the Photos are duplicates (The best of the I put them also into Favourites-Folder) and all the DATA won't fit the max. BluRay Space /25GB).

The optimise function seems for me to be the best solution to shrink the BlueRay size. So I have to build first the Iso file. Now here is the Problem: For me as an newbee, there are to many differt options to choose.

Which options do I have to make for making ISO files (Only DATA BluRay): UDF 1,02 or 2,5 ?? Please help!


For making Video images there're many guides, but none of them are for Data BluRay. I see only options for backup BluRay videos.


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It doesn't really make much difference.


You'll want some form of UDF file system on the disc to make use of long file names and Unicode etc (although I guess Joliet may also do).


The version of UDF isn't important. 1.02 is the most compatible. 2.50/60 provides the most protection against damage as it has 2 copies of the file system info.

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