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Multiple Files/Folders


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OK, new to imgburn. First - thanks to the person who developed this program - very nice and very much appreciated!

And now, on to my question/problem/issues - - I am trying to make a disk image of a CD program disk. What I have

been doing is: reading the disk, trying to either build with it or just write it to a destination disk.

I am dealing with two separate disks - two separate programs but I think the question relates to both.

I have read disk 1 - what I get is two separate files - one says disk image file, one says image file.

I have read disk 2 - again two separate files - one says bin file, one says image file.

In both cases the image file is pretty small, has an icon of a disk with half flame, the other file is pretty large.

Here is the problem: what do I do now? Working with each disk separately - I have tried to build both files into a

single file to write to disk - no success.

I have tried to write the larger of the two files to disk but receive sector errors (multiple disks tried).

Using a third program disk - I did a read, got a single iso file and then did a write to a disk - verified - no issues.

When I have read the disks - the files go to my hard drive. When I have tried to build - I have done this on my

hard drive. When I try to write - I do this to my CD/DVD drive.

I have read the guides - pretty much over my head. Just guessing what a build is.

I have read the FAQ's - no joy there. I have read several threads in the forum - no joy there either.

Wasting a lot of disks, doing a lot of reading and do not seem to be getting very far.

Sincerely hope someone can point me (more likely hold my hand and lead me) in the right direction.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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You just use Read mode and then Write mode.


i.e. 'Create image file from disc' followed by 'Write image file to disc'.


You shouldn't touch 'Build' mode ('Write files/folder to disc' or 'Create image file from files/folder') when you already have image files.


Turn on the showing of file extensions within Explorer, it makes life so much easier.


What you've got (by the sounds of it anyway) is a BIN/CUE image (well, 2 lots of them - 4 files in total - if you've read 2 discs).


The CUE is a tiny plain text file that contains info relating to the larger BIN file. You can select either file when loading an image into Write mode, the program will correct you if you pick the wrong one.


All in all, you just needed to follow this guide - http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=6380

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