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No to check 'Don't update IFO/BUP files' will change the original IFO/BUP files ?

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If i do not check 'Don't update IFO/BUP files' in the 'Create Layer Break Position' dialog window, will Imgburn change the original IFO/BUP files in my VIDEO_TS directory or the IFO/BUP files that will be in the image file ? Would be nice to know, otherwise I would need to make a copy at first and this could take a while...thank you.


Just to be clear, though, as I, too, have wondered some things about that option. It changes them in memory but writes the changed value IFO's to the image file ImgBurn creates, right? I would guess it does, because, otherwise, it's just kind of silly to change them in memory and not write them to the image file, right? :) I know this is kind of a silly question I really shouldn't be asking. :blush:




Hence the bit about 'before writing it to the DVD' - where 'it' is what's in the memory. ;)


That checkbox just controls the layer break option - so setting the SPLIP flag of the selected cell to the correct value based on what you've selected (non seamless or seamless) - and that only happens if the flag isn't set correctly in the first place.


I remembered now the reason why I asked. I had a DVD where the layer break was still present even after selecting Seamless Layer Break. It happens from time to time. I've encountered 5, maybe 10, out of a 100, of these. I usually just manually remove the layer break with IFOEdit and create a new image by telling ImgBurn not to update the IFO/BUP files because I manually edited them. I remember one time where I told it not to update the files and the layer break was still present in the new image.



Maybe I edited wrong or maybe I don't know the function correctly :) but if I manually have to edit out a layer break, I should choose the option not to update the IFO/BUP files, right?


If you edit it out, that means you're setting a SPLIP flag to true.


Sometimes cells have that flag set to false for other reasons (not layer break related) and it should therefore be left unset. Don't always assume a non seamless cell is a left over layer break cell and remember that the layer break is *only* a physical thing on the media, there's no flag for it in any of the files. The way ifoedit shows non seamless cells as layer break cells is wrong - think of that mark as a very rough guide, nothing more.


ImgBurn will never mark a cell as non seamless unless it's the one you pick for the LB (and haven't told it to use a seamless LB)... so it's fine to leave it updating the IFOs even when you've edited them manually yourself and set everything to seamless.


Sometimes it's really weird. I've encountered cases where there were multiple layer break pauses, i.e. physical pauses during playback. The Simpsons Movie has 2 of these, one that occurs during the movie proper and a 2nd one that occurs at a different point during the actors' commentary track. The Monty Python Live At The Hollywood Bowl disc also had 2 different physical layer break pauses.



Then there are the cases where odd layer breaks are inserted. For instance, there's a LB pause at the end of the final episode on the Genesis Of The Daleks DVD. It occurs just after the screen starts fading to black, so, it's only visibly noticeable, i.e. not audibly noticeable.

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