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img burn does not see dvd files on my win7 system


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when i browse for the dvd files in imgburn it says the folder is empty on other systems i can seen them

but not on my win7 system what do i do wrong !???????????

when i browse to the same folder whitin windows explorer the files are there!???


thanks a lot !

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Because you're probably doing it wrong.


If you're in Write mode, the program will be looking for disc image files (ISO files etc).


If there aren't any files of that type in the folder you're browsing, it'll appear empty.


If you want to burn non disc image files, use Build mode.

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eeehm thanks but iam in build mode, iam sure about that just cheked.

what else coud be wrong ?

files are not hidden chekked,

dir is not empty doubel cheked ect ect any ideas?

woud be great! Thanks again!

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Did you click the 'Browse for folder' button instead of the 'Browse for file' one?


It's impossible to help based on what you've told us.


For this, we'd need to see a screenshot of the enter screen - ImgBurn's main window AND the browse box itself.

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you were right ;-) i selected 1 folder to deep i had to select the folder...

sorry issue is solved you can close this case as well !

thanks for yor great support i love img burner and yor kind of support! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:



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