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Hey guys,


I'm new to the whole Blu-ray burning scene and ran into a problem with my first burn. I thought I did everything right but probably not. I was following this guide since I was starting from a mkv file: http://www.bitburners.com/articles/convert-mkv-files-to-blu-ray-or-avchd-for-playstation-3-using-tsmuxer/4019/ Everything seemed to work and I can play the m2ts file that is in the STREAM folder on my PC. However the PS3 recognizes the disc but just shows a black screen when I try to play it.


Attached is my imgburn log.


Thanks in advance.


- Adam



Nothing is jumping out at me as being obviously wrong.


It burnt and verified ok so ImgBurn did its job.


It could be an issue with the source files or that the PS3 doesn't like media you're using - I honestly couldn't tell you.


Have a look at some more 'generic' forums (i.e. Doom9) - you'll probably find a lot more people on them doing what you're trying to do.

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