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What does it say when you try to open it?


It already had an ex_ extension, it just needed to be changed to exe.


If your system isn't configured to show file extensions, that could be where the confusion is coming from.

Posted (edited)






I 15:41:42 ImgBurn Version Beta started!

I 15:41:42 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 15:41:42 Total Physical Memory: 523,760 KB - Available: 236,752 KB

I 15:41:43 Initialising SPTI...

I 15:41:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 15:41:43 -> Drive 1 - Info: _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A 2.0A (D:) (ATA)

I 15:41:43 Found 1 DVD±RW!

W 15:42:52 Program 'Debug Mode' has been Enabled!

I 15:43:00 Operation Started!

I 15:43:00 Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\julie\Desktop\My DVD.mds

I 15:43:00 Source File Sectors: 726,496 (MODE1/2048)

I 15:43:00 Source File Size: 1,487,863,808 bytes

I 15:43:00 Source File Volume Identifier: My DVD

I 15:43:00 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 3EFB6BEA________My DVD

I 15:43:00 Source File Implementation Identifier: VsoSoftware

I 15:43:00 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 15:43:00 Destination Device: [1:0:0] _NEC DVD_RW ND-2510A 2.0A (D:) (ATA)

I 15:43:00 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: TYG02) (Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x)

I 15:43:00 Destination Media Sectors: 2,297,888

I 15:43:00 Write Mode: DVD

I 15:43:00 Write Type: DAO

I 15:43:00 Write Speed: 2x

I 15:43:00 Link Size: Auto

I 15:43:00 Lock Volume: Yes

I 15:43:00 Test Mode: Yes

I 15:43:00 OPC: No

I 15:43:00 BURN-Proof: Enabled

D 15:43:00 DeviceIoControl(IOCTL_CDROM_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS, Unlock) Failed! - Reason: Incorrect function.

D 15:43:00 DeviceIoControl(IOCTL_CDROM_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS, Lock, 1) Succeeded!

I 15:43:00 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 2,704 KB/s (2x)

D 15:43:00 Logical Unit Most Desirable Link Size: 16

D 15:43:00 Calling PdhOpenQuery...

D 15:43:00 Calling PdhAddCounter(\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time)...

D 15:43:00 Calling PdhCollectQueryData...

D 15:43:00 Calling PdhGetFormattedCounterValue...

D 15:43:00 Device Buffer Size: 1,769,472 bytes.

D 15:43:00 Device Buffer Available: 0 bytes.

I 15:43:00 Filling Buffer... (20 MB)

I 15:43:01 Writing LeadIn...

I 15:43:38 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 726495)

I 15:43:38 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 726495)

W 15:44:13 Waiting for buffers to recover... (LBA: 42880)

D 15:44:21 Buffers have recovered!

D 15:44:21 Calling WaitAvgDiskQueueLength...

D 15:44:21 Calling PdhOpenQuery...

D 15:44:21 Calling PdhAddCounter(\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length)...


That's better :)


Ok so the PdhAddCounter(\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length) function is getting stuck and not returning control to the program.


You may find it's logged something in Event Viewer (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools).


Anyway, now load up 'Performance' - again, Control Panel -> Administrator Tools.


See which counters are automatically loaded when it starts.


If you right click the big graph area a menu should appear. Click 'Add Counters'.


Change 'Performance Object' to 'PhysicalDisk'.


Select 'Avg. Disk Queue Length' in the 'Counter' box and '_Total' in the 'Instances' box.


Then click ok.


Let me know if all of that is possible / works ok.

Posted (edited)

Right all the steps you posted are there and i can click them no problem (Change 'Performance Object' to 'PhysicalDisk'.


Select 'Avg. Disk Queue Length' in the 'Counter' box and '_Total' in the 'Instances' box.)


But there is no ok button to click only (add explin and close) so when i click close then reopen again its all changed back to processor and so on ?



Posted (edited)

ok lol i get this message then it goes back again to processor





think i may need to just turn off the buffer recovery lolz seems alot easyer with all the problems im getting.


It's ok, I was half expecting that.


At this point, I'm out of ideas!


PdhAddCounter must be working in general because it worked ok here -


>> D 15:43:00 Calling PdhAddCounter(\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time)...


and the '\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length' counter must be working in general because it's working ok in that 'Performance' program.


Did you look in Event Viewer? Nothing mentioned in any of the logs around the same time as ImgBurn issued the PdhAddCounter(\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length) command?

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