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Trying to burn Avchd onto blu-ray but blacksreen on ps3

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I have tried several different approaches to this with no luck.


Basically I have a .MKV file of a movie.


I used MultiAVCHD 4.1 to get the BDMV files and etc..


I then used Imgburn and put it onto a blank blu-ray and it burns fine and will play on my PC. But if I put it in my PS3, it comes up as a avchd and when I click it I dont get any video playback.

If I hit select to bring up the display its all blank.


Not sure what the problem is. I have made several discs from other blu-rays that will play on my PS3. But these were ripped with DVDfab then IMGburn.


Ive tried both the Blu-ray option and the avchd in multichd when you select the output. Nothing will play on the PS3 from this .mkv file. I just picked the ps3 option, but havent burned that yet Im wasting alot of discs.


Ive noticed that the ripps I do contain the bdmv folder and certificate folder. The multiavchd files that are created do not contain a certificate. Could this be the problem? should I just add in the certificate from another movie?


Ive already wasted 5 blanks. Can anyone help me out? Should I bother burning the PS3 output folders?

Can I just put the MKV file into imgburn and burn to a disc?

Edited by bobbyd33

You should use a BD-RE if you're having problems, no point in wasting BD-R just testing stuff that has already failed multiple times.


I'm sure they've tested multiAVCHD's PS3 option and it should produce a disc (with all the right folders) that works on a PS3 - otherwise there would be no point in it!


You should post an ImgBurn log if you want us to check it's burning correctly - as per the pink box up the top :chair:


Playback issues are best dealt with by forums supporting whatever program authored/created the files you burnt. In your case, that would be multiAVCHD which lives over at the Doom9 forums.


Looked on doom9.


From what I gathered I had to change a settinf in the file from 5.1 to 4.1 and use tsmuxer.


Then I think I just put the resulting m2ts onto a disc burn it and should play.

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