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Create dvd from iso file


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I Have read thought some guides but every time I try to create a dvd from the .iso file I have I just end up creating a disc with a copy of my .iso file on it.


My .iso file has 3 folders called AUDIO_TS VIDEO_TS and CONTENTS.


The video file has a few file formats in there like .vob .ifo .bup the contents folder has some .pdf files and the Audio one is empty.


Am I missing something or is the idea that I should be able to turn this to into a working dvd that kind of plays and has a file system pointing to all the different video files.


Can anyone advice me on what setting I need to use.


Many thanks



Edited by IanM
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You should use "Write image file to disc" mode.

yes everything now works perfect looking back I have no idea why I did not use that option to start with the guide I was following must have clouded my judgment.


As it turned out my file was actually a .daa file so I used PowerISO to convert it to .iso then imgburn to make the working dvd but anyway I have achieved my aim so thanks for your help.





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