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I Can't finish burning a DVD


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I'm running windows XP and using TDK media DVD-'rs.

I have never seen this problem before and have burned many audio cd-r's and dvd-r's without any problem,

until now,that is.

I get halfway thru the dvd burn and it just stops and gives me an error message that says something like,

"I/O ERROR" then tells me a bunch of sectors and parameters and numbers I can't understand.

I am burning on either of TWO writers,a Pioneer or a Plextor.Both do the same thing.

I am burning the VIDEO_TS files from downloads from dimeadozen.org.

I am doing everything EXACTLY as I did before that worked fine.

Then I tried something,I took a DVDr that I created on my standalone Panasonic DVD recorder and extracted the files

to a folder using DVD decrypter and then SUCCESFULLY burned a NEW DVD using IMG Burn.It worked fine.

But it won't work fine with the video TS files from dimeadozen.org or a video that I downloaded from a "HUB SITE".

At one burn failure,I heard a voice come out from my speakers that must have been part of the IMG burn software

that was a womans voice that said,"OH NOOOooooo!!!" Is this some kind of cruel hoax?

Also when I open up IMGBURN,when I look at the bottom left hand corner,I always get a message that looks like

someone has HACKED their way into IMGBURN!!!

Here's what the latest message is,get this:

"No,thats wrong Cartman,but don't worry,there are no stupid answers,just stupid people"

Here's another one

"Sorry Ted,I was concentrating too hard on looking holy"

and another

"For when Eric eats a bananna,an amazing transformation occurs"

Yes,thats the message IMG burn is giving me.


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