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Can paths be omitted in "Build" view?


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Hello, I'm looking for a way to not display the paths of files I've added. Relative paths (if any) are fine of course (meaning: displaying the resulting folder structure that will be on the disc).


If I have a dozen files or so in the style "C:\Some\Folder\Deep\In\Hierarchy\((FILENAME)).ext" I can barely read the filename with the "Source" extended (big green arrow button) without scrolling, let alone in the (default) compact view where the list is just tiny. I've been over the options at least 5 times, checking everywhere, but I can't find any option to not list the "C:\Some\Folder\Deep\In\Hierarchy\" part of the filename. I've tried "Group File By Directory Level", but apparently that only applies to the order the files are burned in. As mentioned above it if of course fine to display "Hierarchy\((FILENAME)).ext" if I dragged the folder "Hierarchy" to be burned.


As a related question: Will the main window ever become resizable?

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