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Burning problem DVD9

Black Wolf

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Hello everbody here,


first of all tnx to LUK for this great app, as far the best app for burning dvd, bd etc. media... Simple, fast and stable!


My question is next (sure that i used button search before posting :) , but i didn't find appropriate answer on this question), i saw that some of users expirienced similary situation like my, with this error in imgb


"imgburn waiting for hard disk activity and imgburn waiting for buffers to recover"


sure answer were from your beta testers like "backround activities, fragmented hdd, fw, av, etc etc." , no one of these problems are at me :) , it seems my case is special :) ...


Configuration is next:


MB: ASUS P5Q2-SE, CPU: C2D - E7500, 3.0 GHz, RAM: 3GB DDR2 (2x1GB Kingston, 1x1GB G-Skill)


OS: Win XP Prof. SP3 x86


HDD: WD 1TB - Caviar Green 10EARS


OS is just installed, freshly formatted HDD and ALL partition (zero formated), and fragmenting isn't here reason, "strange" processes in tsk manager aren't present, OS is just installed, and i checked once everything (i'm expirience IT user :) ) ... FW isn't problem, here is just OS Win xp FW, AV isn't problem, i burned before with present AV - Avast prof.


But i want to notice that i have problems with this HDD recently , problem with "bad sectors" , that's reason why i did zero formatting, and now on HDD Diagnostic tool - WD official tool, no bad sectors after testing HDD for bad sectors, it seems they are repaired...


I burned one CD - 700mb, buffer was ok 100% - device buffer, and 100% - main buffer (app buffer, or hdd buffer), CD was succesfully burned, verifying was ok...


Then i tried to burn 1 DVD9 - DVD DL 8.4gb, from some .iso image 7.4GB iso imagr, but at star of burning, it took more time than usually to load buffer, imgburn tried twice to load it, but at 3rd try it loaded... With these errors


"imgburn waiting for hard disk activity


imgburn waiting for buffers to recover"


i think there was some problems with reading from this problematic HDD, even bad sectors are repaired, even OS is freshly installed, no some application in backround or processes, no fw, av problems, etc. , what's your opinion?


And my question is, will this DVD DL be burned ok, even imgburn 2x during burning notified problems with reading data from HDD and sending them to device buffer (device buffer - DVD RW Pioneer 212D is ok, it's constantly 100% loaded) , is this DVD DL at the end burned ok, if verification of burned DVD DL pass ok ? I burned it at 2.4x this iso img 7.4GB size...


In backround was active just service wacault.exe for updating Win XP, cause is just installed, i know it took too much resoursces, i'll try after updating OS with these win xp automatic updates, to burn same iso img with same burner to see is there same problems, to be 100% sure about these errors !


I'll try to replace sata2 cables - now are red sata2 cables from internal HDD to MB, burner is too connected with Sata2 red cable...


I doubt on HDD problems, even bad sectors are repaired, it was strange that CD-700mb was burned without problems, probabl cause there is less data for loading through buffer...


Do you suggest to change buffer to 40mb or more, cause i have 3GB DDR2 memory ? Any suggestion will be appreciated :) !


I'll test 2-3 combinations and situation, and will post here results...




Greetzz ;)

Edited by Black Wolf
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I'll answer myself, by myself :) , i made more testing, disabled inet, av, etc. burning pass ok, same brand DVD9 media, same burner, burned DVD5 ok, without problems with buffering from HDD to app...


In log i saw that imgburn used 40mb memory for buffer by default, probably you made option to count buffer size based on size of RAM memory, my pc has 3gb RAM, and imgburn by default took 40mb for buffer...


Probably these things above made problems for buffering, and problems with HDD from past, like bad sectors, etc. , just to share my expirience with other people here, maybe it will be useful in future for some members here...

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