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Burning files greater thatn disc space


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I am using ImgBurn for the first time and i am making a bootable disc for Win7 Ultimate. The file size is greater than the disc space (4.7GB). I am assuming I will need to create two discs. So my question is which option should I choose, Burn to end of disc or burn to end of image?[Please explain each option] I also recieved this error message "\E 08:48:14 Failed to Write Sectors 1728256 - 1728287 - Reason: Unknown (Vendor Unique) (ASC: 0x80, ASCQ: 0x04)". can someone explain this error message?


~Thank you for your time

Edited by Tokkon
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ImgBurn isn't going to automatically span the data between the discs. If your source files exceed the capacity of the discs you're using, either get bigger discs or manually split the data into multiple parts.


Real Windows 7 bootable installation discs are only about 2 - 3GB in size, how comes yours is so large?


I can't help with just that error line, please post the complete log - as per the pink box up the top :chair:

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