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Manipulating Lead In/TOC

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First of all, my eternal gratitude to LightningUK for DVD Decrypter and Imgburn. I have been using both programs religiously ever since they graced the Internet and there's barely something out there that has a comparable size/feature/stability-ratio.


Now to my question: I'm trying to manipulate the layout of a CD and thus want to edit the TOC. So far, I haven't been able to find much information about that other than that the necessary data such as track layout and length is stored in the lead in. Since the lead in is usually not part of an image, I can't just edit it in a normal hex-editor. So my question is, how can I do it? I specifically want to edit the session length and padding data size between sessions.


LightningUK is probably the one around here who actually knows how this can be achieved. I assume the lead in is either generated by the recording program or the writer firmware. It's probably the former, so is it possible to feed my own lead in to the recording software (preferably Imgburn) by using an obscure image format that actually supports that data, or do you know of a burning program that actually supports writing personal lead ins (mkisofs maybe?).


Sorry, it's not something I've ever had to deal with or look into.


If it's doable at all, you'd need to be using the RAW write type... and ImgBurn only supports Incremental, TAO and SAO.


Maybe you could do it in CloneCD by messing with the CCD file?


Thanks for your quick reply :)


I'm already messing with CloneCD as I type ;) I just hoped you could enlighten me a bit on how the lead in is generated. Is it done by the API (if its used), or by the drive itself? Since CloneCD supports raw files, I guess the software does have a say in it.


I don't have to go near the LeadIn unless I'm writing CD-TEXT... the drive handles it.


When I do it for CD-TEXT I'm just writing the CD-TEXT packets, nothing about sessions or tracks.

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