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Building an ISO with 2 Identical Folder Names


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I'd like to create an ISO for two folders that have the same names. For instance I have a folder named inetpub on my C drive and a folder named inetpub on my D drive. I'd like to have both folders on my image root. Ideally I'd like to call the C drive's folder CIntepub and the D Drive's folder DInetpub.


It seems that the contents of both folders get merged together. Not what I need.


I've been working on this for awhile and haven't found a solution. Is what I'm describing possible to do with IMGBurn?


Thx a lot!


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Thank you for the quick response!


I should have added more info on my problem. I did indeed try the advanced mode you described. My issue is attempting to automate this entire procedure via command line.


If I layout the DVD in advanced mode it does work interactively. If I attempt to save my configuration in an IBB file, I get this huge file created that I think is a snapshot of all the files I'm trying to burn.


If I add more files to my inetpub folders, I don't think they'll be written if I use the saved IBB.


I hope I adequately described my problem.


Again, thanks for your time!



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Ah, you didn't mention you wanted to do it via the command line :)


It's not possible to just specify a top level folder in the IBB for Advanced input mode without also including all the folders/files below it.


I'm working on adding support for it though (by means of 'folder\*') so hopefully it'll be possible in the next version.

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