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My (original) XBOX rips consistently burn and verify with no trouble, but all have weird problems!

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I have several rips for the original xbox, which I am confident are good rips because I can play them from the hard drive. However, when I burn them with imgburn, I ALWAYS get certain problems unique to the rip. Usually, it's a dirty disc error that occurs at a specific point in the game, with no evidence that the drive is having any difficulty reading the disc (no whirring noise like it's having trouble reading). Other times, it's a specific cutscene that ends prematurely. Any given problem can be replicated by repeating the burn; it hangs up at the same point every time. Unpacking the files and just dumping them to the hard drive works fine, proving there's nothing wrong wiht my rips (but it's tedious and I hate doing it). The originals also work fine.


I have a TSST L632H DVD burner with the latest (DW30) firmware.


I'm convinced that there's something wrong with the burning process itself, not the media or the quality of any given burned disc. One further wrinkle is that there are specific files (not all files) in these burns that can't be copied from the burned disc to my xbox hard drive; UnleashX truncates them to much smaller files than they should be, and XBMC gives an error. In either case, again, there's no evidence that it's having trouble reading the disc. (And again, my burns always verify to 100%).


A final wrinkle: if I throw ~250mb of other files in the front of the disc, it doesn't solve the problem, but it CHANGES where the problem occurs. IE, if I duplicate Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, I get to a certain mission and can't progress. Then, if I burn it again with my dummy files, I can progress beyond that mission, but I get errors if I try to go to training mode. I can switch back and forth to access the entire game.


Any ideas what's up? Any settings I could mess with?


If the discs burn and verify ok, there's nothing wrong with them where your burner is concerned.


Problems after that point are beyond the scope of ImgBurn.


Slim drives are rubbish and you make no mention of the media you're using. You didn't even post a log - which the pink box up the top very clearly tells you to do.


thanks bro. i didn't understand what "include a copy of the program's log in your post" meant, the wording was really confusing.


kidding. thanks. you mostly answered my question anyway even though i omitted this stuff.

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