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I am new to burning. I am wanting to burn data to blu-ray disk and i am practicing burning data to dvd first since the disks are cheaper and I am new to all of it.

I tried burning several folders to a dvd. After about 6 minutes the green bar shows 99% complete, device buffer 98% and nothing much else happening. so after 35 minutes I hit the cancel button because it look to me that nothing is happening.


I burned using the inboard laptop burner, and then again to an external usb bluray burner. I found similar results


I see several yellow triangles on the log, but i am not understanding how to interprete them

Is the burn failing because the filenames are too long, or the folder depth ?


Or am i just hitting cancel to soon? and it needs more than 35 minutes for some reason?


I would appreciate help interpreting the attached log


thank you for your help



burn failed 2012-08-07 yellow triangles ImgBurn.log


The yellow triangles are warnings that those files and folders were renamed due to Joliet filesystem's 64 characters limit for file and folder names. If you use only UDF filesystem in your disc you won't have that problem. Also Data Type should be left at the default MODE1/2048 that is standard for all media; only CD-R/CD-RW can use MODE2/FORM1/2352.


On another note, UDF 1.02 is the most compatible of the UDF revisions; only BD-Video discs need UDF 2.50+, and, in that case, ImgBurn will ask if you want to change.


As for the burning, try burning at 8x or 12x, since your burner choked when burning at 16x. In any of these speeds it should take less than 10 minutes to burn.


By the way, what's the brand of the media you're using?




under options i found "reset settings" and that took the settings back to your suggestions of


-file system iso9660 +UDF

-udf revision 1.02

i found the device tab and changed write speed from AWS to 8x


the burn was succesful and so was the verify :biggrindance:

using verbatim dvd+r 16x 4.7 gb

thank you so much mmalves for your suggestions :victory:


So 1 more question please,

is there any changes to settings I should make when I try burning data to verbatim BD-R LTH Type 25gb 6x ,

using Liteon eHBU212 bluray burner


Thank you

Doug in Florida


The default settings should work fine. When you insert the blank BD-R disc in the drive, look in the media information text to see its supported write speeds (they're different than when burning DVD media). I guess 4x should be a good burn speed for BD-R media.


Also notice that you can configure AWS (Automatic Write Speed) to automatically change the write speed for your different media; there's a guide for it in the Guides section.




thanks for the help with burning data to disk and AWS !

I will try your settings, and let you know how it goes.




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