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Burn-Verify failures with .iso on DVD+R DL


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I'm having trouble successfully burning an .iso to a double-layer disc using ImgBurn.


I've read the FAQ including http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000 whose provisions I'd been following broadly speaking already.


My drive, which came with my relatively new Dell has the latest firmware. The drive hasn't been used excessively nor given problems elsewhere. In the past I've successfully burnt single-layer discs with it, including through ImgBurn. The media I'm using is Verbatim DVD+R DL. Incidentally they're the MKM-003-00 flavour, and that was the only one available.


So far both attempts resulted in a coaster :(


I point to the file (Item_pal.mds), the burn process completes and verify begins, but it never gets past a few percent. Eventually after something like an hour I click stop.


Additional troubleshooting steps I've tried include a defrag/optimize of my HD (not that it was esp. fragmented anyway), doing the burn after reboot (i.e. so max memory is available, no other apps running) and ran with anti-virus software temporarily disabled. I deinstalled Roxio that came with the computer and I've no filter issues as far as I can tell. I also burnt the discs at x4 speed as an additional safeguard, and definitely didn't shake the floor or anything to disturb the write.


I saw on a 3rd-party forum someone reporting they successfully resolved their double-layer disc burning after uninstalling ImgBurn then removing residual traces using a registry cleaner such as CCleaner's and reinstalling ImgBurn, which another person confirmed worked for them as well; it made no difference in my case.

After the first unsuccessful burn I read the above FAQ and per advice bought a cleaning disc for £10, and ran that a few times.


Naturally I'm reluctant to blindly try more discs given the expense of media or shell out even more at PC World for a new drive where it may not even be necessary.


I've attached the logs and will be eternally grateful for help :)




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You should try burning at the remaining supported speeds if you haven't already done so.


Maybe the firmware is just bad at 4x on the discs you've got. Where does it say your Verbatim discs were made? (look on the packaging) The ones from Singapore seem to be the best.

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