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Burning Dvd Without Menus


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ImgBurn burns exactly what you give it.


So if your source file(s) don't already allow for / do that, what ends up on the disc won't do it either.



The original video has no menus. I use the "build" menu to make an ISO and the burn this to DVD.


When I put the DVD in, there is a menu title which I have to select to play the movie. I just want to put the DVD in and automatically the movie will play.


So is it in the "Build" mode that the problem is?



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No, like I said above, ImgBurn just burns what you give it.


If you're seeing a menu that you say wasn't there in the first place, it must be coming from your player.


What sort of files are you actually burning?




I record a movie from Cable, remove all extraneous material (Commercials, introductions, etc.) using Video REDO. At this point there is not menu. I use IMGBurn to build an ISO and then burn to disk. When played it has a Title Menu which I must select to play the movie. Therefore it has to be the "Build" process the inserts the menu item. As you said "it burns just what you give it."


So what I would like to know is if IMGBurn "Build" mode can be set to not produce any menu in the ISO. BTW, I have used MYDVD to make an ISO and it does automatically play the movie. The only thing is it takes a lot longer to produce an ISO.



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ImgBurn in no way made the menu you talk about. It is impossible this thing as it lacks this kind of feature.


As you say you are using Video REDO to alter the original source, I can think that this program creates that menu, so look in settings of it to disable the menu creation.

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