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Verbatim Dual Layer Write Error


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Hi guys, looking for some help if possible.

Never had a problem using ImgBurn using cheap AONE discs, even using overburn with my IHAS524 (crossflashed Asus 24B3ST) drive.

After changing to Verbs to give a pretty much error free burn that will work in the XBOX,

I've had about 3 successful burns out of 7, the latest I have attached the error log.

Is there anything obvious that you can see / recommend.




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Try turning off the 'Online HyperTuning' option in the drive settings (Advanced Settings).


Then use the 'Clear OPC History' option in the same place and try again.


The 'Perform OPC Before Write' option made no real difference in my tests. I left it off in the end.


Were the Verbatim discs made in Singapore? Check the packaging.

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Thanks for the prompt reply. Can't tell where the discs are from as the side label got thrown away. In your experience does the place of manufacture (Singapore / Taiwan / India) make such a difference. I'll try to find out from the supplier (overclockers.co.uk) where theirs are from. In the meantime I'm gonna try a few things that you suggested.


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