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Imgburn Device Buffer Fluctuates When Burning


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Hi guys, when burning Xgd3 my device buffer fluctuates from 100% to 95 and then back, giving me bad results for the disc. Any advice on what could be causing this would be a big help ?, i have tryed defragging my hard drive and cleaning out temp files. My PC has 2gb of ram and is running window xp. My PC has also started to hang a bit, disabling the page file seemed to speed it up, dont know if this helps.



imgburn log.txt


Edited by Knighthawk1706
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I very much doubt that's a problem or causing 'bad results'.


Please upload your IBG file (or open it yourself with DVDInfoPro and post a screenshot) so I can examine it.


C:\Documents and Settings\ADMIN\Application Data\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\ATAPI_iHAS124_B_AL0S_01-NOVEMBER-2012_19-51_MKM-003-00_4x.ibg
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07-11-2012 21-55-36.png


The white line looks pretty solid to me. As such, where the device buffer is concerned, you have nothing to worry about.


Oh and please don't edit posts above where people (me in this case) have replied. Such changes are not obvious and I don't go looking for them.

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Well the only thing you can really try is clearing the OPC history from the drive.... but I'm not so sure it'll make any difference as you don't have a single (progressive) problem area (i.e. the overburnt bit at the layer break). It's just bad here and there on the second layer.


I wouldn't worry too much about the odd PIF spike, especially if it's under 10.

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