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Lost trying to burn High Def on DVD (for PS3 or BD player) though I did it before.

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Gents (and ladies). I searched and came up empty. I know there are FAQ's and guides out there on this but right now, I am coming up dry (meaning I cannot find them).


I once burned a few High Def discs using ImgBurn, specifically sporting events I had recorded in 1080i or 720p. Unfortunately, that was years ago and I have lost the guides on how to do it.


Using MKVtoVOB I can convert the HD file to something one can burn on a normal DVD that plays High Def on a BD Player (I have only used them on my PS3).


The file structure look like this...




Now I would greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction on how to take that burn to a DVD. Please forgive me if this question is stupid but I did look and have just thrown my hands up in frustration. You guys will likely know what to do.



Posted (edited)

Thanks for the reply. The problem is, I tried that and the resulting disk has no picture. Just a black image. I can hear the sound. If I press display on the PS3's remote it'll come up with the stats. But there is no picture at all.


I would love to know what is going wrong. I followed those instructions to the letter. I can't keep burning duel layered coasters.

Edited by msp1518

Try using MultiAVCHD to make your AVCHD folder structure from the original mkv files.


I believe there's an option to have it output the structure required for PS3 playback. Then burn the disc again using ImgBurn.


Your issues aren't anything to do with ImgBurn (or burning in general) so you might be better off on a more generic forum such as Doom9 or VideoHelp. People on those will be able to deal with your conversion/playback issue better than I can here.

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