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Hello, I'm sorry if this has been asked probably hundreds of times but there is so many forum threads to go through it would take ages to find and hopefully its a simple answer.


But anyway, I'm wondering how to burn a .mpg video file (or any at that matter) so that it will play on my PS3. I've already gotten it to work, but it just burns it as a data disc

and I have to go through a bunch of folders to get to the .mpg video file before I can play it which is quite annoying. I guess what I am asking is how would I burn it so that when

I select the disc on my PS3 it would begin playing the video without me having to browse the contents on the disc first.


Any help is very appreciated,


Thank you in advance!


Put it in the root folder of the disc, then you won't have to 'browse' anything.


If you want to convert it to DVD Video format, use something like DVD Flick or ConvertXtoDVD.


Put it in the root folder of the disc, then you won't have to 'browse' anything.


If you want to convert it to DVD Video format, use something like DVD Flick or ConvertXtoDVD.


How would I go about putting it in the root folder? I never get an option of where it's going to put the video file on the disc :(


If you're in 'Standard' Input mode, it would already be going to the root folder if all you've done is dragged it into the 'Source' box. If you're in Advanced input mode, it should be obvious where things are going.


If it isn't ending up there, you've probably enabled the 'Preserve Full Pathnames' option. Turn it off again.


Okay sorry for all the questions but last one. I used DVD Flick to convert into DVD format and it outputs the two folders audio and video


What do I do from here with imgburn to burn then to a disc to play like a DVD?

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