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First of all hi I would like to know if this software is avalble to the public, whether is free or not and how do the heck do i download it?


It's a (*the*) professional tool, of course it's not free.


A 3 second search on Google found me a price list (dated 2010) from somewhere selling various versions and they range from about $5k to $20k.



It seems I do because you don't get the hint otherwise.


You could find the answers to probably 95% of the questions you ask on here if you just did a quick search on Google.


For someone that's meant to be computer literate, it should be second nature to you - hell, even my smallest niece can manage that and she's 7! You want to learn stuff, I want you to learn stuff, but spoon feeding is not something anyone wants to do. Start using that brain of yours and do your own research. It's FAR more rewarding to figure stuff out for yourself, plus you're more likely to retain the knowledge that way (and you avoid asking silly questions).


Right, school's over for the day.


On the plus side, you did at least post this thread in the 'Chat' section. Well done and thank you, it makes a change!

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