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Hey guys, just wanted to ask a confusing thing. Not sure if it's allowed here because I don't think it's anything primarily to do with IMGburn but who knows. Need some expert insight.


Been Using Verbs for a while now with no problems. Then I find several guides to burn XGD3 with cheap Media with Imgburn and hundreds of people saying it's worked for them. So I bought Some Ritek Discs, modded Burner max firmware to recognise them in my Lite on drive and I burn away. I burned 3 different games and verified 100% in Imgburn and checked out good in Kprobe but when I try to play them on Xbox it always says Unrecognised disc. iS it something I am missing? I mean other than the fact that they are shit discs and I should have expected bad results but, i figured they wouldn't burn and verify 100% if they weren't gonna be recognised by my xbox? :P


Do you have a screenshot of a kprobe scan of such a disc?


Just because the burner can read them, it doesn't mean the xbox drive will be able to. Some drives are just better with some discs than others.




In an update what i thought were ok Kprobe results turned out to be disgustingly high Kprobe results. So what is the actual cause for a 100% burn and then insanely high averages in Kprobe? Is that just the media's fault? the burner?


It's just a bad drive/firmware/media combo. They're the 3 things that control burn quality.


Media tends to burn well in all drives (Verbatim), burn ok in a certain few or just be all round junk.


I overburned. Hell one of them was XGD2 and even that didn't work. Wouldn't make a difference whether overburning or truncating with XGD2 would it? But yeah, so Lightning, basically my simple man's grasp on it would be my drive hates the cheap shitty media and there is no possible way to get good burns on them for me? and I should stick to verbs for less hassle? :P Loud and clear!


If no combination of eeprom settings makes any difference, you're probably out of luck. Verbatim double layer discs aren't recommend just about everywhere for no reason ;)


Are aren't overburning or truncating xgd2, those images are 'normal' sized.

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