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Hi there i'm having a big problem. All this time i'm trying to get nice burns with LiteOn eTAU108. Some of them are good, but most of them are bad. Here is my last burn:



What can cause that jump? OPC=ON, SB=ON, OS=ON, FHT=ON, OHT=OFF.


And other thing. Where OPC history is stored? (In drive or in my PC). Because everytime when i disconnect my drive all SB, OS, FHT settings gets lost and i have to enable them again. Maybe even when i disconnect my drive OPC gets lost too?


That's odd, I've never seen a drive lose it's eeprom settings when it loses power.


As you're burning mkm-003, you don't need OS enabled - you're only burning at 4x. You also don't need OPC enabled.


The OPC history is stored in the drive. It may just be that your drive can't handle the oversized DL media - even if the payload tool thinks it's able to enable it.

Posted (edited)




I have iHAS124 but because i'm using laptop connecting iHAS is pain. So i bought this just to be compact version of iHAS. Someone recomended it and it is also in the image of PayLoad tool.


Both of games didn't work. There is some XGD3 burned with this drive that works. Should i post KProbe2 of one of them?

Edited by tVenc

That kprobe screenshot looks like a lot of mine where Force HT wasn't enabled in the iHAS B/C/D drives, or when the drives just couldn't overburn / FHT didn't work in the same way in older drives.


If it burns, verifies and kprobe's ok, you're probably good to go.


Tomorrow i will try to burn with my iHAS again and post the results. Before some things all burns was excellent, but now i can only get 2 of 5 burns working.

Everything changed before changed my HDD, installed Windows 8 and changed my settings to OPC=OFF, FHT=ON, OHT=OFF, OS=OFF. Before everything i used them as all ON and get good working burns. So the critical problem can be in the eTAU?

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