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Assign a new folder to each disc


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I'm using a Nimbie NB11 to make images of a stack of DVDs. I'd like to have each ISO created in a new folder, so that if I re-rip the same disc, or if 2 discs have the same label, they won't conflict. I followed the suggestion here:



and set the Default Destination to

F:\riptests\dvds\[DISC_LABEL] - [DATE] - [TIME]\


However, it seems to set the folder name based on the first disc in the batch and puts all the images in that folder; i.e. it only evaluates the substitutions once.


I attach the full log of a batch, but the obvious lines are:

I 12:08:26 Destination File: F:\riptests\dvds\THE_GOOD_NIGHT - 20130123 - 1207\THE_GOOD_NIGHT.ISO
I 12:17:29 Destination File: F:\riptests\dvds\THE_GOOD_NIGHT - 20130123 - 1207\PL_Disc1.iso
I 12:30:16 Destination File: F:\riptests\dvds\THE_GOOD_NIGHT - 20130123 - 1207\NOCOUNTRY_OLDMEN_EU.ISO


I guess this isn't a killer issue for me, but it would be nice to have it working perfectly.





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There's code specifically making it do what it does now... so I probably did it for a good reason at the time!


It's trivial to make it behave how you want it to, I just don't want to make it work that way and then mess it up for people happy with how it is now. I may need to add another option to control it - unless my testing (which I'll start on soon) proves it isn't necessary.

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Well, it would be cool to have it. It might mean slightly more change than I'd realised because I'd overlooked that at the start of the batch you actually get a dialog to confirm which folder you want. So I suppose I'm asking for an option which is "always use the default folder, without prompting, and re-evaluate it every time".


Amazing how there's always another complication when you look harder...


I'm only just starting, but currently I'm seeing more DVDs than I'd expected with generic labels like DVD_VIDEO, so it's definitely necessary to have something in place to protect against duplicate names. To avoid this, I've hacked up a Perl script that monitors my output folder and moves files out as soon as they are written, so I'm OK for now.



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