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Hi all. Firstly, LightningUK - thank you, Img Burn is great, small simple and does the job perfectly.  The interface is intuitive and requires very little to use, KUDOS.



I have a car (Honda) that has a music CD player that plays audio CDs and I noticed a little "Mp3/wma" logo on it too so I wanted you all to know that ISO9660 + JULIET totally works for cars with radios with CD players of similar type.


Which is great!!!


Here is an image that explains all you need to know. I used a CDR, 80 min 700MB media and it worked just grand.


1. Mode -- Select BUILD.


2. Drag and drop MP3 (or .wma) files OR folders into the left box.


3. Select  Options Mode1,    and 9660 + JOLIET trust me this is the one that works.


4. Click the big disk  button to burn it.



                    Success!!   --I was able to fit over 100 songs (some 320k encoded) to the disk.



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