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To those who are unhappy about being bundled with OpenCandy

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First off I would like to say thank you to the author of this program for sharing a great tool for burning discs. I was going to reply in some of the other topics about this, but I'm not able to post in them (is my account too new or something?)


Anyway, I would recommend using the NSIS silent installation method if you don't like OpenCandy. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges, browse to the directory with the ImgBurn installer and run this:


SetupImgBurn_2.5.8.0.exe /S /D=C:\Program Files\ImgBurn


This should bypass the offers for third-party software. To LIGHTNING UK: Feel free to remove this post if you don't want users seeing it. The vast majority of people who use ImgBurn will probably never visit the forums anyway.


From the OpenCandy FAQ... (So you don't even need to do a slient install, you can do a 'no candy' install)


How do I avoid OpenCandy offers?

Simply decline any OpenCandy recommendation(s), and OpenCandy will disable and delete itself when the main installer you are running completes. If any offer does install without your consent, this is likely from some other 3rd party and is not an OpenCandy offer. It is a violation of our network Policies. Please notify us of the app you were installing and the offer which was installed and we will take steps to remedy the situation or terminate relations with that software developer.

For those of you still unconvinced, try any of these steps:

  • Beginner: disconnect your internet connection (beware some software needs the internet to complete its install)
  • Intermediate: run the OpenCandy powered installer from the command-line with /NOCANDY
  • Advanced: add a domain block in your firewall for *.opencandy.com

I have found it impossible to install the latest ImgBurn. It wants Open Candy and that's all there is to it. 


My brother-in-law bought a new system and wanted ImgBurn, but he has a bad history with viruses, malware, addware, etc. ruining his Windows. 


ImgBurn is completely out of order by this latest move and so I just installed a version from back in 21011 I had on a backup drive. 


Honestly, this is just nuts.


"impossible to install" ?


Any of the 3 things mentioned above in OpenCandy's FAQ will work. You can also just open the setup file in 7-zip and drag out the ImgBurn.exe file if you so wish - replacing the one in 'Program Files\ImgBurn' from a previous installion.

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, none of those options actually prevent the OpenCandy installer from running on one's computer with administrative rights. It would really be nice to have the option of using a clean installation package.


(Edit: typo)

Edited by UncleBubba
  • 2 months later...

I understand the needs and wants of generating revenue but this is not a good solution. I've been very grateful and happily using Imgburn for many, many years but no longer will I use it or recommend it. There are a few good alternatives that do not use the OpenCandy garbage.


Sad to see it go, but regardless of how well opting out works, I will not download anything that contains OpenCandy onto my workstation and I'm not alone.


Imgburn is now rated as adware on videohelp.com (http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/356775-What-s-Happened-To-Imgburn?p=2252576&viewfull=1#post2252576).


If you must use the OpenCandy crap, you should offer a downloadable executable that does not contain OpenCandy. I'll bet you loose quite a few users and piss off some longtime users who don't pay attention when they update and unwittingly install the OpenCandy crapware.

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