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Firmware extracting - Lightning UK!


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I know this probably isn't the best place for this, and I apologize for that, but i can't send a private message on this board, so this was the only other way i could see how to get your attention LUK.


I sent you a message on MyCE, but it says you havent been there in 2 weeks, so i figured i'd make a post where i know you'd see it. So as to not spam and put other sites forums plastured on this help/support forum, if you could just go check the message i sent you on the MyCE forum, (private message) and if you feel so inclined, reply accordingly..i'd greatly appreciate it, i think you'll find the message rather interesting and full of potential.


To quickly summarize what its concerning, Liteon has encrypted/scrambled their firmware's in the new flashers they distribute for their iHAS drives, i've found a way to extract the firmware file (.bin) and what i think is a 4KB EEPROM file, of which its stock settings, the other 4KB i'm guessing is the OPC/medialearn info, which would be empty at flash..i'm hoping you can help me verify the firmware's integrity and if the process is automatable, t hen perhaps we can enhance firmwarehq's db and the firmware feature in imgburn?


Let me know what you think...


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I just saw him post in the malware topic, hopefully he doenst just ignore this one if he is on holiday and happens to be checking in! :)


I think it'd be cool to get his take on the stuff i'm doing, if anyone else feels like checking it out, http://club.myce.com/f44/liteon-ihas124c-crossflashing-firmware-333397 - is the link to my crossflash thread, which has all the info i've posted so far about the extraction process, 


This community has been great so far in supporting my little adventure into the flashers, i'm hoping it all leads to a great outcome.



thanks again guys,


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