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Hello! (Jesus cannot believe I am actually need some help, and was unable to find an answer to all WWW...feel so embarrassed)............


In shorts:

1. Is there anything I should check beside the save log box located in Settings/Events so I can have a Project File log?

2. How do you make a log with the path of the files or just the name of the files u burned in a session?


Technically speaking by default IMGBurn creates a log in each folder located in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\ImgBurn........Graph Data Files, Log Files, Project Files. Now I have a graphic *.ibg for each session I make in Graph Data Files.....I have also a single file ImgBurn.log in Log files folder (all sessions logged in that file)...But there are no files, or at least one in the Project Files folder!?! In Settings/Events tab the save log box is checked. Is there anything else should be checked!?........Also I assume the project file is a file where is stored what files have u burned in that session in a way or another. Right!? If the project file is not that, then comes my problem


Ex: I burn 3 files E/Videos/My wedding.mkv, E/Videos/Funny.mp4 and E/Projects/Last Days.mp3.......


Now after I have burned all those 3 files I want...some log file to be generated and where I could read what files where burned.....Thanks in advance!


You have to make project files yourself... and no, it's not a log of the files you've burnt. There's no way of logging that info.


The only thing that would give you that info (in one form or another) is using Advanced input mode and then saving the project once you'd added all the files. The project file contains the list of options selected for that given project and also a list of all of the files (when using Advanced input mode, NOT standard input mode which just saves exactly what you see in the little 'Source' box).


You could get a directory list of the disc once you'd burnt it (using other tools), but that obviously wouldn't show you their original source path on your hdd or whatever, just where they've ended up on the disc.

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