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Multitrack CDs - Stuck at 0% while trying to create Image

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Hey Guys,


I can't seem to get an BIN file out of a multitrack-CD. The reading process is stuck at 0%. I'll try to explain, what I'm trying to do, for better undestanding:


A long time ago I've been buying a gaming magazine regularly. it featured a few videos, demos and also a full game on a CD. Since my storage space is limited I had to get rid of the mentioned magazines. Before throwing the CDs in a box, which will probably never see daylight again, I wanted to try an convert all the CDs into ISO-files, so that I can store them on my Hard Drive. Most of the CDs read just fine. However, I'm having some trouble with a few of them. First of all IMGBurn doesn't let me convert them into an ISO file, as they are "multitrack disks" and can only be converted into BIN files. When I select BIN and start the reading process, the bar stays at 0% without any mentionable progress from the DVDR-drive. I waited a few minutes, but nothing happened. Is there a trick for creating BIN files from multitrack CDs?





Stragely, after a restart, all but one multitrack disks worked. The status bar reads: Analysing Tracks... (Session 1, Track 2)


And that stays on for a long time until I cancel the process.

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