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burned ifo files are corrupt


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Imgburn version
Media: verbatim DL MKM 003

Write speed: 4x
Burning process: "Operation Successfully Completed", but I can't play the disc on any player
I've found the reason: all the ifo/bup files are corrupted ON THE DISC: the size value of both files (HDD / disc) are the

same, but if you open them with a hex editor, you see they are totally different (ifoedit can't open the ifo files from

the disc).
After the first wrong disc, I tried building a iso file. Before burn it, I extracted a ifo file from the image and it was

right. Then, I burn the image: "Operation Successfully Completed" again, but the same error with the ifo files.
The VIDEO files (vob files), are OK, I can play them individually (from the disc) with powerdvd on a pc
the wrong ifo/bup files on the disc are on the Layer 1. This means that VIDEO_TS.IFO/BUP, VTS_01_0.IFO are OK, but the

rest (VTS_01_0.BUP and the following VTS's ifos) are corrupt.
I burnt other discs before and after these 2 wrong discs with success, but there's no way to burn this one.
This disc is disc number 4 from a serie of 6, what I'm trying to tell is that the 6 discs have the very same structure, but

the error is only with disc 4 (by the way, if I play it from the HDD, there's no problem, as the ifo files are the right

Any help?




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Oops, it seems there were something wrong on the layer break while burning: some sectors cannot be read and then, started the "miscompare" thing without end. 


It seems like the sectors are "out of its place".

Look the file "dibujo.jpg" attached, it's a vob (video) file, but it has the Ifo file's header inside!!!

What happened here?








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Burnt on the Pioneer and OK, so it was the samsung burner...but I still don't understand why I could burn more DL disc (with success) with the samsung after these faulty discs, it seems a random problem.


Thank you lightning UK for your help and time.

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