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And, we will all be blown away...

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Well, looks like they finally did it. And, maybe, the ball will FINALLY get rolling here!



It is by no means a certainty by this point. But, the indications are North Korea went ahead with their nuclear test. Now, it's just a 4.6 magnatude earthquake detected. Of course, this same quake HAD been only 3.6 before. And, naturally, "senior Bush officials" have already been quoted by Fox News as saying it was a nuclear test. Which means diddly shit. BUT, there was also the 20 minute warning supposedly given to China before the test began. So, for all intents and purposes, it really does look like a test went on as scheduled. Of course, until I see reports of detectable rads of Angstrom radiation, I am open to skepticism.



However, I say, if it was a test, let's finally get this party started! Let's get those things flying and dropping and banish the silence of the night. Imagine, no more nightfall if everything is irradiated by day. :devil:






To quote the Kingston Trio:



But we can be tranquil

And thankful

and proud,

For man's been endowed

With a mushroom-shaped cloud!

And we know for certain that some lovely day

Someone will set the spark off, and we will all be blown away!


They're rioting in Africa. There's strife in Iran.

What nature doesn't do to us will be done by our fellow man!


It also appears to have been far less than North Korea actually wanted, but, probably set it off anyway, knowing if they didn't at least create the equivalent of a nuclear fart :fart: they'd not be treated seriously in any way on the global scale.


*nuclear rant mode...on*




I believe they went ahead with the test in order to show the UN, and it's new South Korean President, that it doesn't give a shit about what the World, the West and the Chinese, who told them not to test, think.

They're going to keep jabbing away, pissing off the rest of the world, until they either get whatever it is they really want, or until someone shoves a boot in their ass and they calm down. I don't believe they are stupid enough to try to launch any nuclear payload anywhere, nor do they currently have the ability to do so, but I do believe they are like a spoiled child that wants to play with the big kids and gets all riled up when they won't play with him. The bigger picture is that the assholes now have the ability to set up shop and sell their limited quality nuclear devices to other non-nuclear countries that have a lot of oil $ and not much more sense than that of the North Korean leadership. :angry:





*nuclear rant mode...off*


The spoiled child is not a bad analogy. In fact, many times, when people have told me Kim Jong Il is a madman, I've said he just acts like a spoiled child. He's not a madman. As you said, since they don't have the means to deliver any considerable payloads any difference, he's not something to take seriously yet. The worst he can do is start a domino effect. He bombs someone near him who is friends with a bigger dog who goes and rounds up his gang and attacks North Korea. Which riles up the bigger dogs on the side of North Korea to bite back. So, what he's got is that bone to use to attract all the dogs and hope to get some table scraps by accepting some capitulations from diplomacy. That if he can just get X out of threatening to use a device, it was worth it for him.

nor do they currently have the ability to do so,
I don't think you're right with this one spinner. :/


I don't believe they are stupid enough to try to launch any nuclear payload anywhere,

But I agree with this one.


Tell you one thing, the US and China and South Korea, even Russia, are not impressed at all........ I think the shit is about to hit the fan......... :horse::horse::horse: and its gonna land all over North Korea... :/

184090.jpg"Hans, Hans, Hans! We've been frew this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destwuction, OK Hans?"

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