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I/O Error on Verification Process


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So all was fine until yesterday, I received two 100 packs of Verbatim DVD-R. Using my desktop internal and ImgBurn I was greeted with this error during the verify process...


I 07:52:04 Verifying Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2126575)
I 07:52:04 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2126575)
W 07:52:13 Failed to Read Sectors 0 - 31 - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error
W 07:52:21 Failed to Read Sector 0 - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error
E 07:52:35 Failed to Read Sector 0 - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error
E 07:52:35 Failed to Verify Sectors!
I 07:52:36 Exporting Graph Data...
I 07:52:36 Graph Data File: C:\Users\T\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GHC0N_1.00_SATURDAY-OCTOBER-17-2015_7-43_AM_MCC_03RG20_4x.ibg
I 07:52:36 Export Successfully Completed!
E 07:52:36 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:32


Ok, bad disc? Tried a couple more, and one from the other pack, same issue. Maybe the drive? Software even? Tried my external and on Ashampoo Burning Software, failed during verification. So obviously it's the media, right? Tried on my laptop internal and it burned/verified, no problem, but it wouldn't play back on my desktop (Later burns from the laptop did play back on the desktop). I should also mention that at some point in between I was able to burn a Verbatim BD-R on my external and Ashampoo perfectly fine, on the desktop. 


Is it possible my desktop system/hardware is simply rejecting these two batch of discs? It's driving me nuts because there are no consistencies. 


Update: This was all happening last night. Before making this post, I made another attempt and got my first clean burn/verify on the desktop internal. Next one was no good. Internal desktop constantly spitting out inconsistent cdcheck logs (Data Error (Cyclic redudancy check). Then scanned the same disc on the external and it was clean. I would have concluded that it was simply the drive (Which I would be elated at this point if that was the problem), but how can we explain the externals initial verification issue?


Update #2: It is the desktop internal. Tried the external and got multiple good burns. Twist, the external is reading several of the desktop internals as good burns. So something is happening in the verification and then cd check process on that end. Any solutions? 


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by bturp25
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Yeah, seems to me it's the drive that needs replacing.  Your external has no problems with the discs so it's not the media.  Your internal is reading bad burns it makes as good burns.



One probably sure fire way to see is if you have an external enclosure you can put the internal drive in.  If it still fails when plugged in as an external drive, it is most likely the internal drive causing the problem.

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