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LG GSA-T20N fails to overburn DVD+RW


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Hi everybody!


I got about 4580 MB to write in a disc and I chose to use rewritable DVDs (Sony and Philips) to see if my Lg writer is able or not. Its firmware is WP03 and it seems up-to-date as well as its driver. My OS is Win XP SP3 and a few attempts have been made with Nero 6 (setting a number of blocks, as oversize option, corresponding to approx. 4690 MB) and with Imgburn which, as other people report in case of dvd overburning fail, manages to burn only 2295104 sectors (instead of continuing until the end, in my case 2344496). Both programs have obviously overburning option activated. I'm afraid my LG writer doesn't support DVD overburning.

What does this depend?


Should I use a non rewritable DVD?

Should I use a more recent version of Nero? Or perhaps would I need some changes at firmware level or at key registry level?

Does anyone know if my LG writer supports DVD overburning (since I know that it does support CD overburning)?


Anyway, I've noticed that a few years ago a person using Imgburn reported a Logical Block Address Out of Range (this topic: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/16169-logical-block-address-out-of-range/)with the same writer (and a different firmware) failing to overburn. Perhaps it's not just a coincidence...


What about Pioneer DVR-K17TBS or Panasonic UJ-841? As far as you know, do they support DVD overburning? If yes, I could buy one of them at a local shop (actually, I haven't read good reviews about Panasonic writers, while many people have a positive opinion on the LG and Pioneer's ones).

I was nearly forgetting... this is the log file of the burning process. Please, have a look!


23:32:05 ImgBurn Version started!

I 23:32:05 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 23:32:05 Total Physical Memory: 521.708 KiB - Available: 269.244 KiB

I 23:32:05 Initialising SPTI...

I 23:32:05 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 23:32:06 -> Drive 1 - Info: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T20N WP03 (D (ATA)

I 23:32:06 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

I 23:33:23 Operation Started!

I 23:33:23 Building Image Tree...

I 23:33:23 Checking Directory Depth...

I 23:33:23 Calculating Totals...

I 23:33:23 Preparing Image...

I 23:33:23 Checking Path Length...

I 23:33:23 Contents: 294 Files, 6 Folders

I 23:33:23 Content Type: DVD Video

I 23:33:23 Data Type: MODE1/2048

I 23:33:23 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 23:33:23 Volume Label: [Not Configured]

I 23:33:23 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled

I 23:33:23 Region Code: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8

I 23:33:23 TV System: PAL

I 23:33:23 Size: 4.800.122.545 bytes

I 23:33:23 Sectors: 2.343.875

I 23:33:23 Image Size: 4.801.527.808 bytes

I 23:33:23 Image Sectors: 2.344.496

I 23:33:23 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:00

I 23:36:44 Operation Started!

I 23:36:44 Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T20N WP03 (D (ATA)

I 23:36:44 Media Type: DVD+RW (Disc ID: MBIPG101-W04-00)

I 23:36:44 Media Supported Write Speeds: 2,4x; 4x

I 23:36:44 Quick Erase: No

I 23:36:44 Format Properly: Yes

I 23:36:44 Format Size: Preferred

I 23:36:45 Erasing Disc...

I 23:53:41 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:16:56

I 23:53:46 Operation Started!

I 23:53:46 Building Image Tree...

I 23:54:01 Checking Directory Depth...

I 23:54:01 Calculating Totals...

I 23:54:01 Preparing Image...

I 23:54:01 Checking Path Length...

I 23:54:01 Contents: 294 Files, 6 Folders

I 23:54:01 Content Type: DVD Video

I 23:54:01 Data Type: MODE1/2048

I 23:54:01 File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)

I 23:54:01 Volume Label: studio d A2

I 23:54:01 IFO/BUP 32K Padding: Enabled

I 23:54:01 Region Code: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8

I 23:54:01 TV System: PAL

I 23:54:01 Size: 4.800.122.545 bytes

I 23:54:01 Sectors: 2.343.875

I 23:54:01 Image Size: 4.801.527.808 bytes

I 23:54:01 Image Sectors: 2.344.496

I 23:54:21 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:34

W 23:55:47 User accepted disc space warning and is attempting to overburn!

I 23:55:47 Operation Started!

I 23:55:47 Source File: -==/\/[bUILD IMAGE]\/\==-

I 23:55:47 Source File Sectors: 2.344.496 (MODE1/2048)

I 23:55:47 Source File Size: 4.801.527.808 bytes

I 23:55:47 Source File Volume Identifier: studio d A2

I 23:55:47 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 4956BEB70023C626

I 23:55:47 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.5.8.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!

I 23:55:47 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn

I 23:55:47 Source File File System(s): ISO9660; UDF (1.02)

I 23:55:47 Destination Device: [1:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T20N WP03 (D (ATA)

I 23:55:47 Destination Media Type: DVD+RW (Disc ID: MBIPG101-W04-00)

I 23:55:47 Destination Media Supported Write Speeds: 2,4x; 4x

I 23:55:47 Destination Media Sectors: 2.295.104

I 23:55:47 Write Mode: DVD

I 23:55:47 Write Type: DAO

I 23:55:47 Write Speed: 1x

I 23:55:47 Link Size: Auto

I 23:55:47 Lock Volume: Yes

I 23:55:47 Test Mode: No

I 23:55:47 OPC: No

I 23:55:47 BURN-Proof: Enabled

W 23:55:59 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 3.324 KB/s (2,4x), GET PERFORMANCE: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

W 23:55:59 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 3.324 KB/s (2,4x), GET PERFORMANCE: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

W 23:55:59 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 3.324 KB/s (2,4x), GET PERFORMANCE: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

W 23:55:59 Write Speed Miscompare! - MODE SENSE: 3.324 KB/s (2,4x), GET PERFORMANCE: 5.540 KB/s (4x)

W 23:55:59 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 1.385 KB/s (1x), Got: 3.324 KB/s (2,4x) / 5.540 KB/s (4x)

W 23:55:59 The drive only supports writing these discs at 2,4x; 4x.

I 23:55:59 Book Type Setting: N/A

I 23:56:10 Filling Buffer... (20 MiB)

I 23:56:11 Writing LeadIn...

I 23:56:15 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 2344495)

I 23:56:15 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 2344495)

W 00:19:29 Failed to Write Sectors 2295104 - 2295135 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (1 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (2 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (3 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (4 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (5 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (6 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (7 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (8 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (9 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (10 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (11 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (12 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (13 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (14 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (15 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (16 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (17 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (18 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (19 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:19:29 Retrying (20 of 20)...

W 00:19:29 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:21:14 Retrying (21)...

W 00:21:14 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:21:17 Retrying (22)...

W 00:21:17 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:21:18 Retrying (23)...

W 00:21:18 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

W 00:21:20 Retrying (24)...

W 00:21:20 Retry Failed - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

E 00:22:15 Failed to Write Sectors 2295104 - 2295135 - Reason: Logical Block Address out of Range

I 00:22:15 Synchronising Cache...

I 00:22:23 Closing Session...

E 00:22:24 Failed to Write Image!

I 00:22:24 Exporting Graph Data...

I 00:22:24 Graph Data File: C:\Documents and Settings\Fabio\Dati applicazioni\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\HL-DT-ST_DVDRAM_GSA-T20N_WP03_SABATO-22-OTTOBRE-2016_23-55_MBIPG101-W04-00_1x.ibg

I 00:22:24 Export Successfully Completed!

E 00:22:24 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:26:36

I 00:22:24 Average Write Rate: 2.944 KiB/s (2.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3.333 KiB/s (2.5x)

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Thanks for the tip!

I got some Fujifilm left at home, recognized as "RITEK F16 DVD+R", but the same error occured.

So I downloaded and installed Nero CD-DVD Speed to make a couple of overburning test.

A 700 MB CD-RW of MMORE (Bayer), about 11-12 years old, seemed to host 764 MB. This shows that my LG writer supports cd overburning.

But DVDs are another story... I tried to see what happens in the overburning test with another brand of DVDs: EMTEC (since Fujifilm wasn't successful in the burning process). Recognized as "RICOH HJPN R01 DVD+R", it failed to store more than the ordinary capacity. And I know that someone reported these DVDs (on ClubMyce) able to store 4665 MB.


So, very strong suspicious that the LG GSA-T20N doesn't support DVD overburning.

Would you otherwise suggest other brands of DVDs?

Alternatively, I could get a Pioneer or a Panasonic DVD writer. They're both internal laptop writers, IDE standard. As far as you know, is it probable that internal laptop IDE writers (about 10 years old) are all or almost all poor in terms of DVD overburning support?

If so, I pretty much doubt I can solve this issue with Pioneer, Panasonic or whatever.

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I seem to recall some old Plextor drives needed the 'DVD+R Reserve Track' option enabled before they'd overburn DVD+R discs.


It's easier to just stick with burning to the appropriately sized discs for what you're burning.


If it won't fit on a single layer disc and you can't shrink it down a bit more, burn to a double layer. Overburning is asking for trouble as error rates always rise towards the outer edge... especially when going beyond what they're designed for.

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I seem to recall some old Plextor drives needed the 'DVD+R Reserve Track' option enabled before they'd overburn DVD+R discs.


So, Plextor is one of the brands able to overburn DVDs. I'm just scanning threads throughout the web and it seems that even Benq does it. Someone reports old Pioneer models too. And many talked about hacking the firmware (i.e. for Pioneer burners). Would it be then possible to modify the firmware to allow dvd overburning?

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