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Multiple Copy Screen


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You have to wait until the program has initialised the disc, otherwise it won't accept an 'ok' (although there is a bit of give and take) - because it knows it's not ok!


Once the 'auto ok in xxx seconds' pops up you know the program thinks it's ready and then you can click ok.


All that auto ok thing does is count down from the user defined amount of time and then simulate a click on that ok button. It does nothing else, hence a manual click would also work just fine at any time the message is shown on the screen.

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Not sure if that was a 'Genuine' thanks or just a fob off!


The reason I had to say that was because if the program wasn't working like that for you, I must have some logic wrong somewhere and I'd like to correct it.


From what I can remember and what you've said, the first time you clicked 'ok' you should have had an error box come up saying the drive isn't ready yet - yeah?

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